Weather in Bhutan | Druk Asia

Weather in Bhutan

Updated on 26/March/2024
Bhutan, nestled in the eastern Himalayas, boasts a diverse climate owing to its varying altitudes and geographical features. Generally, the weather in Bhutan can be characterized as mild and temperate in the lower valleys, while becoming progressively cooler as elevation increases. In the southern foothills, the climate is subtropical, experiencing hot and humid summers with temperatures ranging from 15°C to 30°C (59°F to 86°F). Monsoon season, from June to September, brings heavy rainfall and lush greenery to this region.

Sunrise in Thimphu

Moving higher into the central valleys, including the capital Thimphu and Paro, the climate becomes more temperate with warm summers and cool winters. Summer temperatures typically range from 20°C to 25°C (68°F to 77°F), while winter temperatures can drop to around 0°C to 10°C (32°F to 50°F). Spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) are considered the best times to visit, with clear skies, pleasant temperatures, and vibrant landscapes due to blooming flowers or colorful foliage.

Buckwheat Field Bhutan

As you ascend further into the Himalayas, towards regions like Punakha and Bumthang, the climate transitions to alpine, characterized by cold temperatures and occasional snowfall, especially during the winter months. In these higher altitudes, temperatures can vary greatly, with daytime temperatures ranging from 10°C to 20°C (50°F to 68°F) in summer and dropping below freezing at night during winter. Due to Bhutan's diverse topography, microclimates can also be found throughout the country, resulting in variations in weather patterns even within short distances. It's advisable for travelers to pack layers and be prepared for changes in weather conditions, particularly if journeying to higher elevations. Overall, Bhutan offers a rich tapestry of climates and landscapes, providing visitors with a unique and memorable experience, regardless of the season. Climate and Temperatures in Bhutan

Climate and Temperatures in Bhutan

Town Elevation (m) Hi Lo Hi Lo Hi Lo Hi Lo Hi Lo Hi Lo Hi Lo Hi Lo Hi Lo Hi Lo Hi Lo Hi Lo
Paro 2,280 9 -5 13 1 14 0 17 4 23 10 25 14 26 14 25 14 23 11 18 7 13 1 11 -1
Thimphu 2,320 12 -2 14 0 16 3 20 7 22 13 24 15 28 13 25 15 23 15 21 10 17 5 14 -1
Punakha 1,300 16 4 19 5 21 9 24 11 27 14 31 19 32 21 31 19 29 20 27 18 22 13 15 7
Wangdue 1,350 17 4 19 7 22 10 26 12 29 17 29 20 28 16 29 20 27 19 26 14 22 9 19 6
Trongsa 2,316 13 -0 13 0 16 4 20 6 21 11 22 13 25 15 23 15 22 14 21 11 19 6 18 2
Bumthang 2,600 10 -5 10 -1 16 3 18 3 21 9 22 9 24 10 23 13 21 12 19 5 16 -0 12 -2
Mongar 1,830 15 8 15 8 20 11 22 14 25 17 26 19 16 15 25 19 24 19 22 15 19 11 15 9
Trashigang 1,150 20 10 21 11 24 14 28 17 30 20 30 22 31 23 30 22 30 23 29 17 26 13 23 11

Source: Royal Bhutan Airlines

Seasons in Bhutan

Spring in Bhutan

Spring in Bhutan, spanning from March to May, is a time of enchantment for botanists and nature enthusiasts alike. As the winter chill fades away, the landscape undergoes a remarkable transformation, bursting with vibrant colors and fragrant blooms. One of the most captivating sights during this season is the proliferation of rhododendrons, wild azaleas, and a multitude of wildflowers adorning the meadows like a lush carpet. The hillsides come alive with a riot of colors as these delicate blossoms paint the landscape in shades of red, pink, purple, and white. Among them, the rare and beautiful edelweiss adds a touch of elegance and mystique to the scenery, captivating the hearts of those who behold its ethereal beauty.

Adding to the spectacle are the pear and apple orchards that grace the valleys, their branches adorned with clusters of delicate blossoms. The soft hues of pink and white create a picturesque contrast against the verdant backdrop, infusing the valleys with a sense of newfound wonder and vitality. Indeed, as the land awakens from its winter slumber, there is a palpable sense of renewal and abundance in the air. Spring in Bhutan is not just a season of blooming flowers; it is a celebration of life, growth, and the boundless beauty of nature. For botanists, it is a time of discovery and delight, where each meadow and valley holds the promise of new botanical treasures waiting to be uncovered and admired.

Summer in Bhutan

Summer in Bhutan, from June to August, showcases a vibrant tapestry of life as flowers bloom abundantly across the valleys, painting the landscape with a myriad of colors.

Weeping willows gracefully line the banks of rivers, their cascading branches providing a cool retreat from the summer heat, inviting travelers to linger awhile in their shade.

Under the golden sunlight, the pine forests of Bhutan come alive, with pine cones glistening as they hang heavy with resin, poised to fall to the forest floor below.

As the season unfolds, the countryside becomes a haven of lush greenery and vibrant blooms, offering a captivating sight for all who explore its verdant expanses.

Autumn in Bhutan

Autumn in Bhutan, spanning from September to November, brings a magical transformation to the landscape, painting it with a resplendent golden hue. This season marks one of the busiest periods for tourism in Bhutan, as travelers flock to witness the breathtaking beauty of fall in the Himalayas. As the days grow shorter and the air becomes crisp, the countryside is bathed in a warm, golden light, casting a mesmerizing glow over the vast expanse of mountains and valleys. The scenery is nothing short of spectacular, with the changing colors of the foliage creating a picturesque panorama that captivates the senses.

One of the most enchanting sights of autumn is the ripening of rice fields, which turn a rich golden brown under the clear, azure skies. The gentle rustle of the breeze through the fields adds to the tranquil ambiance, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in the serene beauty of the countryside. Amidst this golden landscape, the merry hues of cosmos flowers add a playful touch to the scenery. Their delicate pink and white petals dot the countryside, creating a charming contrast against the backdrop of golden fields and azure skies.

Winter in Bhutan

Winter in Bhutan, from December to February, offers its own unique allure and allure. While the evenings can be chilly, the days are bathed in glorious sunshine, casting a comforting warmth across the landscape.

The winter scenery unveils the grandeur of the mountains and valleys in all their splendor. The pristine white snow blankets the land, creating a serene and ethereal atmosphere that captivates the soul.

Soft clouds lazily drape themselves over the mountain peaks, adding a touch of mystique to the wintry landscape. It's as if they're patiently awaiting a gentle breeze to whisk them away and scatter them across the horizon.

Despite the cold, there is a profound sense of tranquility that permeates the winter air. It's a time for quiet contemplation and appreciation of the natural world's beauty, as the earth slumbers beneath its snowy blanket.

In January or February, Paro and Thimphu may occasionally experience a one-day snowfall.

When is the best time to visit Bhutan?

Planning to travel to Bhutan during a festival?

On popular dates of travel such as during festival time, flight tickets tend to get fully reserved 5 months prior. Due to limited flight and seats available, we recommend you to reserve your ticket as early as possible. You can reserve your ticket for free with us and plan your trip to Bhutan with a peace of mind knowing that you will have a spot on your flight to Bhutan.

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