13 Interesting Facts About Bhutan You Should Know!

13 Interesting Facts About Bhutan You Should Know!

BY Joni Herison
Posted on 25/June/2024

Bhutan Fact 1

Bhutan, officially Kingdom of Bhutan is an enclave country that is surrounded by two giant countries, India and China. It mostly contains highlands. The Kingdom covers many of the Himalaya range passes. Bhutan is a constitutional monarchy where the king is the head of state and executive power is vested in the cabinet, headed by the Prime Minister.

Bhutan has a population of about 700,000. The Himalayan Kingdom is a predominantly Buddhist country with a minority practising Hinduism.

Here are some reasons why Bhutan is a truly unique country in the world.

1) Distinct World Class Architecture

Bhutan Fact 2

No matter where you turn, you’ll witness beautiful Bhutanese architecture in every corner of the country from traditional houses, temples to ancient fortresses. The traditional architecture is so precious that the method of building it is being codified.

The multi-coloured wood, small arched windows and sloped roofs are definitely prominent features of the architecture in Bhutan. In fact, the Kingdom’s grandeur architecture has inspired other building designs around the world.

2) Bhutan Locals Are Happy And Contented People

The first and foremost reason for the uniqueness of Bhutan is the happy people living in Bhutan. Perhaps, the concept of ‘happiness’ in the Kingdom is very much derived from the contentment that Bhutanese feel about their lives. It is also instilled through the Buddhist values of simplicity and compassion. The Bhutanese are never short of laughter as they have a great sense of humour. As you travel along the country, you will be able to experience the light-heartedness of the Bhutanese.

To many travellers, Bhutan is known as the happiest place on earth, thanks to its unique development philosophy of Gross National Happiness (GNH). Instead of just measuring economic output, Bhutan’s focus on the citizen’s well-being and ‘happiness’ is extremely holistic. All the policies and development plans are required to be aligned with the GNH tenets.

3) Bhutanese Love Their National Identity And Culture

You can see Bhutanese wearing their national dress on a daily basis. Men wear gho while women wear kira. Whether they are going to the market, attending formal occasions or performing religious activities.

While wearing of the national costume is only compulsory when one attends a formal event, visits government offices or enters the dzong (ancient fortress), you can still find many Bhutanese wearing the kira or gho with much pride outside of formal occasions.

The sight of these local Bhutanese men and women in their vibrant costumes is definitely a unique feature of the country in times of globalisation.

4) Bhutan Is The Only Carbon Negative Country In The World

Bhutan is holding a significant title of being the only country that is carbon negative. The constitution mandates that at least 60% of the country has to be under forest cover. Right now, about 70% of the country is covered by forests.

The Kingdom is undoubtedly one of the greenest countries in the world. It absorbs more greenhouse gases than it emits. They are clearly a role model to the world in terms of environmental preservation.

5) Bhutan Has No Traffic Lights

There are no traffic lights in Bhutan. Thimphu (the capital city of Bhutan) is the only capital city in the world without a traffic light. The only ‘traffic light’ you’ll witness are traffic police directing the flow of movement at the heart of the town. So, you never have to worry about getting stuck in a traffic jam in Bhutan.

6) Bhutan Is Home To Himalayan Range

Bhutan Fact 3

Many of the world’s most beautiful mountains can be found in Bhutan. It is definitely a popular trekking destination for all the avid hikers and trekkers. Some of the popular treks include Jomolhari trek, Dagala Thousand Lakes trek, Drukpath trek and Laya-Gasa trek.

Aside from that, one of the world’s most challenging trekking routes, Snowman Trek is also a popular choice for the adventurous. Bhutan is also in the midst of developing the longest trail from the west to the east of the country. Known as Trans Bhutan Trail, the Kingdom is preparing to bring back an ancestral trail to connect the communities from the western region to the eastern region.

7) Bhutan Is A Safe Country With Low Crimes

Bhutan Fact 4

The crime rates in Bhutan are relatively low compared to many other countries in the world. Little crimes are reported in the country. Violent cases are not rampant, you can travel to the country with a piece of mind. Most Bhutanese are extremely friendly and helpful. You can only experience the Bhutanese hospitality by visiting it in person.

8) Bhutan Has A Young Democracy

Bhutan has one of the youngest democracies in the world. It was only in 2008 that the country transitioned from an absolute monarchy to parliamentary monarchy. The fourth king, Jigme Singye Wangchuck understands the need for the country to become democratic in order to meet the demands of globalisation.

The fifth king, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck oversaw the peaceful transition of the country into a parliamentary monarchy. Together with Queen Jetsun Pema, King Jigme has travelled internationally to raise the profile of Bhutan in the international community.

9) The Bhutanese Government Policy For Tourists

Bhutan implements a strict tourism policy to preserve its national identity. The ‘High Value, Low Volume’ tourism policy serves to prevent mass tourism that may impact the country in different aspects.

As a result of the policy, tourists are required to pay a daily Sustainable Development Fee (SDF). The revenue generated from the SDF is used to fund various developmental projects in Bhutan, including environmental conservation, infrastructure development, cultural preservation, and social services. This ensures that tourism benefits the country and its citizens while minimising negative impacts.

10) Bhutan Tiger’s Nest Is ASacred Buddhist Site

Bhutan Fact 5

One of the most iconic landmarks of Bhutan is the Taktsang Monastery, popularly known as Tiger’s Nest. Tucked away on a cliffside in Paro valley, the Tiger’s Nest is a must visit place for tourists.

The hike up to the temple takes approximately 2 hours depending on one’s fitness level. Enroute to the Tiger’s Nest, one will be greeted with breathtaking views and fluttering prayer flags.

You’ll be truly mesmerised by the landscapes and feel a sense of accomplishment upon reaching the sacred site. Along the way, you’ll see many locals hiking up and down as they complete their pilgrimage journey.

11) Bhutan Is The Last Country To Introduce Television And Internet

Bhutan is one of the last few countries to introduce television and the internet. The very first time Bhutanese can enjoy television and the internet was in 1999. The same year where more than 150 million people around the world are using the internet and the introduction of bluetooth technology.

Currently, more than 87% of Bhutanese have a cell phone. The leaders recognise the importance of technology and strive to promote the usage and adoption of technology to keep up with the global trend.

12) There Is Distinctive Bhutanese Cuisine And Local Flavours

Bhutanese love everything that is spicy! Chilli peppers are a common ingredient in most of the dishes. The famous and well loved national dish is ema datshi, also known as chilli cheese stew. You can find out how to cook this simple and yummy dish here. One of the local favourite drinks is butter tea. Find out what are some other popular Bhutanese dishes.

Unlike tea that you find in other countries, Bhutanese makes delicious butter tea known as suja. It is usually drunk on all social occasions alongside snacks such as roasted rice (zaw).

13) Bhutan Has One Of The Most Dangerous Airports In The World

Flying into the Kingdom of Bhutan might get your heart thumping. Because the country’s international airport, Paro Airport is often known as one of the most dangerous airports to land in. Only qualified pilots are able to land in the airport and navigate the tough terrains.

The narrow runway and mountainous surrounding makes flying into the Kingdom only possible during the daylight. Despite the airport being one of the most challenging places to land, it’s also bound to be one of the most memorable flights for most tourists due to its captivating scenery as the flight is approaching. Get yourself a window seat if you want to get a glimpse of the breathtaking Himalayan range!

Travelling to Bhutan is easy! There are direct Drukair flights from Singapore, Bangkok, India, Nepal and Bangladesh.

Conclusion About Interesting Facts About Bhutan

If you are planning for a perfect trip in Bhutan, you should consider taking a 7 Day Essential Bhutan Travel Plan, a 5 Day Uma Paro Himalayan Adventure or spend 10 days discovering Bhutan. You may also check the best time to visit Bhutan. Don’t forget to also check out our tips when you’re planning a trip to Bhutan.

Also, remember to read the dos and don’ts when travelling in Bhutan. Don’t forget to sign-up to our regular newsletter at drukasia.com. If you have any enquiries, drop us an email at help@drukasia.com.

Frequently Asked Questions On Facts About Bhutan

What Is Bhutan Known For?

Bhutan is known for its philosophy of Gross National Happiness, which emphasises well-being over economic growth.

The country is also famous for its stunning Himalayan landscapes, well-preserved monasteries and fortresses (dzongs), vibrant cultural festivals like Tsechu, and its commitment to environmental conservation, being the only carbon-negative country in the world. What Are Other Fun Facts About Bhutan? Bhutan has no traffic lights, relying on traffic police instead. It’s the only country where the sale of tobacco is banned. Television and the internet were introduced only in 1999. The country's national animal is the Takin, a rare and unique animal found in the Himalayas.

Bhutan measures its progress by Gross National Happiness rather than GDP, focusing on holistic well-being. Lastly, Bhutan is known for its high-altitude trekking, including the challenging Snowman Trek.

What Is Bhutan's National Sport?

Archery is Bhutan's national sport. It is deeply ingrained in Bhutanese culture, with traditional competitions held during festivals and important events. Archery ranges can be found in most towns and villages across the country.

What Language Is Spoken In Bhutan?

Dzongkha is the official language of Bhutan. It is widely spoken across the country. Additionally, various regional languages and dialects are spoken, reflecting Bhutan's diverse ethnic groups. English is also commonly used, especially in education and government.

What Is The Traditional Dress In Bhutan?

Bhutanese people wear traditional dress daily. Men wear the gho, a knee-length robe tied at the waist with a belt, while women wear the kira, a long, ankle-length dress. These garments are not only a cultural expression but are also mandated for certain occasions and locations, such as government offices and dzongs.

What Are The Major Festivals In Bhutan?

Bhutan is known for its vibrant festivals, with Tsechu being the most significant. Tsechu festivals, held annually in various districts, feature traditional mask dances, music, and religious rituals. These festivals commemorate the teachings of Guru Rinpoche and are major social and religious events for Bhutanese people.

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