Lester Ledesma traveled to Bhutan with Druk Asia. His story was featured on Timeout Singapore, 31st August 2012.
Lester finds Bhutan to be a worthwhile destination despite the minimum tariff of USD250. The minimum spending requirement set by government means that backpackers do not overrun the country. This allows Bhutan to manage tourism at a more sustainable level, protecting the environment while economically benefiting from tourism.
“Coming to Bhutan isn’t cheap. It famously costs a US$250 per night tariff to come here, a policy that helps limit the numbers of travelers to 65,000 a year. But if the S$1,500 I spent on a five-day itinerary sounds like a lot, it feels less like a rip-off than I’d expected. I’d paid Druk Asia (6338 9909, www.drukasia.com) upfront, and in return got a visa, food, transport, lodging at three-star hotels and a guide – in my case, a burly Bhutanese man called Tshering, who’s like a reliable local friend throughout my trip and provides countless cultural insights I wouldn’t have had otherwise.”
Lester’s full story can be read here.